Somatic Consensus
LS Certified Trainers

Welcome to the Certified Trainers Page!
Embark on a journey of transformation and empowerment with a dedicated Certified Trainers. At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to personal development, guided by the principles of Liminal Somatics. Our trainers are not just educators; they are catalysts for change, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and compassion to guide you through your journey of self-discovery and growth.
Ellen Chinnock, USA
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
I am a Somatic Consensus Trainer, Center for Nonviolent Communication Certified Trainer, and Positive Discipline Parent Educator. I began my career path as an animal trainer where I recognized two main ways to change behavior—through gaining control by external means (reward and punishment), or by working collaboratively to meet the needs of all involved. I found that listening deeply allowed me to hear the longings of the individuals. Through this empathic connection it became easier to find solutions. When I came across Liminal Somatics, I felt I had found my home in this learning community. As I continue to practice with the Becoming What You Need community, I see myself and others moving toward the core essence of who we are through connecting with the deeper desires/needs of all parts of ourselves (head, heart, gut, soul, etc). For me, there is nothing more meaningful than collaborating with others to create a space for healing, community, and reconnecting with ourselves.

Judith Weinstock, USA
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
I teach somatic practices and embodying Nonviolent Communication through the mediums of food, community, art, education, and activism. I am a certified international trainer of Nonviolent Communication have co-led workshops around the world in schools, prisons, intentional communities, and businesses, and offer mediation for families, parents, and children, siblings, and couples. I’ve been teaching my original curriculum Connective Culinary Arts  which integrates history, ethics, food politics, science, chemistry, and nutrition through food and the art of cooking. The premise of my teaching celebrates the notion that food is the connective tissue for all life on the planet, and that the strategies humans employ to answer to our hunger–three times a day!– is pivotal in the healing of the planet and living in harmony with all species. My focus is on the reclamation and celebration of our empathic faculties with the life on our plate that feeds the life that we live. I am a singer-songwriter I love to teach voice as a profound medium for “finding our voice” to shape the world we wish to live in. Â
Anne Roley, USA
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
Anne’s passion in life has been connecting with one’s SELF in various ways. While working 30+ years as a physical therapist, practicing Continuum Movement and Yoga more than 20 years, becoming certified in Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing and studying Polyvagal Theory, I have learned to explore the vastness of our inner landscape and listen to our body’s many messages. Recently certified in Somatic Consensus and a candidate for Nonviolent Communication certification, my current practice is listening empathetically, finding the power of my voice and living a needs based consciousness. My desire is to co-create a space to grow, heal and develop more authentic and meaningful relationships with ourselves and others. For questions or information, contact Anne Roley in Los Gatos, California at [email protected]

Diyanat Ali,India
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
I'm a facilitator and a transformational coach with a unique blend of experience in Experiential Education, Somatic Embodiment, Rites of Passage Journeys and Transformational Coaching.
I possesses over 2 decades of expertise leading outdoor, nature and experiential learning expeditions, having facilitated over 2000 such journeys across India. I am is also an initiated facilitator in esoteric traditions, guiding groups through initiation and rite of passage experiences. My passion lies in creating safe spaces for participants to learn, share, and heal. By incorporating somatic consensus practices, I facilitates  growth, transformation, and healing for individuals  and groups.
Gerald Ee, Singapore
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
For over 40 years, Gerard has been in human services, and he has served as a youth worker, family therapist, prison counsellor, residential care worker, community-builder and non-profit leader. He believes that the human services are not simply about problem-solving but is a peace[1]building process that engages people to be a
little kinder, fairer, and more cooperative. To this end, he practices non-violent communication as a process of honouring himself and everyone he encounters.

Esin Erek, Turkey
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
I see myself as someone who actively contributes to building the peace and tranquility I wish to see in the world, beginning with myself.
As an Engineer, an ICF PCC Professional Coach, and an NVC Certificate Candidate, my discovery of Somatic Consensus has enabled me to hear the many different voices within me more deeply and to listen to them with compassion and curiosity.
I possess a rich toolkit to address the needs of each distinct voice. I am thrilled by the profound impact Somatic Consensus can have through its simplicity. Consequently, my primary focus is to connect first with the internal voices that generate division and conflict within our bodies, aiming to reflect the peace we cultivate within ourselves outwardly to the world.
To this end, I organize training sessions and workshops on topics such as conflict and anger management with institutions and non-governmental organizations in Turkey. Additionally, I am the author of a published book.
Anke Krause, Germany
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
Fir 24 years I have been a trainer and consultant for equity and respect for diversity in early childhood. I also accompany people on their life walks, with a focus on the wisdom we already own but sometimes need support to uncover. I have been living and learning NVC  based methods such as Convergent Facilitation with Miki Kashtan and  Roxy Mannings work addressing racism and inequality from the vision of NVC. I am a certified Compass© coach with Arnina Kashtan. I am dedicated to developing and supporting interactions that aim to connect and to promote communities where the voices and needs of all are put at the center of all actions. I bring a special talent and passion to opening spaces to hear the perspectives of all, especially of children - be they our own inner children or the children we live and work with to the field of creating connection, support and healing.

Sandra Borgart, Germany
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
Arriving on the opera stage as a soloist, I found that the path had become my goal. In search of my voice, I kept coming up against obstacles, and I devoted myself entirely to exploring them as invitations to grow. The insights from this journey, which lasted more than two decades, I condensed into my own method
„Voice-Body-Human“ which is holistic and versatile.
Since then I followed my passion and have been
supporting people from all over the world in finding
their voice and expressing it.
For further informations feel free to contact me:
[email protected] or
Chez Scott, Australia
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
Compassionate Communication Trainer & Coach at NVC Melbourne. Somatic Consensus certified trainer.

Ryan van Der Zanden, Canada
Somatic Consensus Certified Trainer
I picked up my very first meditation book and the allure of enlightenment at the age of 15. Since then I have been on an enthusiastic journey of self-discovery, self-connection and finding presence. Â
In 2011, while living at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, I happened upon a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) workshop. This was the moment that I witnessed and began to understand how our culture uses language in a way which commonly prevents connection, empathy, being seen for who we truly are, and finding presence.  I am passionate about developing and teaching NVC as a way of helping people to understand the incredible wisdom in our bodies via emotions and universal human needs. Â
Shelley Weinstock, USA
Nutritional Advisor and Trainer
As a professor and researcher for over 25 years, I have come to understand the great need for nutrition counseling and education.  My move into clinical nutrition is motivated by the demand for translating the enormous amount of nutrition research in the professional literature into usable information for the consumer. I work with individuals, groups of teens and adults, and with people of all different backgrounds and economic status. My practices promote evidence-based nutrition and a healthy lifestyle and help people to stay within their food budgets while improving their health. My expertise includes changing food habits to promote a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, and longevity, how to deal with nutrition-related disease issues, how to lose or maintain a healthy weight, exercise nutrition, and adolescent nutrition. In all areas, I provide a personalized strategy to reach the desired goals in a reasonable and healthy time period.
- Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry, MIT
- Certified Nutritional Specialist
- Fellow of the American College of Nutrition
- Teaching faculty, Columbia University Medical Center – Institute of Human Nutrition
- Sr. Vice President, Zymes LLC
- Researcher: Zymes, MIT, Harvard, Barnard College

I have been on a wonderful journey with David and my fellow Liminal Somatics trainers for the last three years. Each one has given me a special gift of the heart. I am becoming certified to bring the gift of Liminal Somatics into the larger community. Liminal Somatics is a powerful tool for searching the depths of myself and others. My particular passion is digging into the spiritual roots of how we express the divine in our lives through our experiences. Â I am grateful to take my place in this group of dedicated trainers.
Senovio Shish
IÂ was raised in Pennsylvania by European-American and Mayan-Belizean parents.
Since 2012 I have lived and worked internationally, with posts in Manila, Sao Paulo, and New York before landing in Geneva in 2015 with my Swiss husband. Â
As part of Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) since childhood, I was immersed in values of peace, justice, truth-telling and deep listening. In exploring ways to engage in anti-racism work, I found Nonviolent Communication. From the moment I first learned about NVC in 2018, I felt a profound resonance with my spiritual practice and wish to contribute to the world. I was also drawn to David Weinstock’s work in choosing to attend the Spain 2019 IIT.
I include non-human animals in my peace efforts, and have practiced veganism since 2019. I am committed to systems change through community-building as a way of responding to the crisis of violence among humans and the threat of collapse of the global ecosystem.

Jen Franklin
Jen Franklin hails from Canada, and loves connecting with people all over the world through zoom and NVC. Jen grew up on a farm on the Alberta Prairies – a childhood full of adventure and mucking around creating whatever she could dream up. She began her NVC journey in 2019. She has immersed herself in NVC including training with Sarah Peyton, Aya Caspi, David Weinstock, Rodger Sorrow and Jim & Jori Manske.  For 10 years, Jen volunteered and facilitated groups as a licensed Leader in chronic pain self-management through the Self-Management Resource Center, originally developed & administered by Stanford University.
Jen’s lived experience with NVC supported healing and growth to find meaning, purpose, and empowerment. Jen is inspired to create spaces to support others to feel feelings, name needs, and mourn loss to find healing and peace.
Nuttarote Wangwinyoo
Associate Trainer
Nutt works extensively in engaging people to reflect and gain self-awareness, so as to enrich spiritual development into a modern context. He works with people in various social sectors, from Indigenous groups in Northern Thailand to public health systems, educational professionals, and business organizations, in finding personal transformation and creating a meaningful living. His organization, Kwanpandin Institute for Contemplative Learning is based in Chiangrai and Bangkok, Thailand.